Friday, October 5, 2012

DVD - Moonrise Kingdom (12A)

4/5 stars

Wes Anderson could be criticised for sticking to what he knows best, but when he consistently turns out charming, affecting, stylish films, then he should be allowed to continue with as little interference as possible.

Moonrise Kingdom is the latest gathering of Anderson’s favourite cast-members (Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Jason Schwartzman and the usual bevvy of curiously sincere children) who are joined this time by Bruce Willis who leads the search for runaway pre-teen lovers, Suzy and Sam, the latter of whom escaped from Norton’s remote island scout camp and finds himself threatened with the prospect of life in Tilda Swinton’s draconian orphanage.

Anderson has chosen 1960s New England as his playground this time around, which adds to the juvenile romanticism and cutesy hand-made quality.

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