Sunday, August 12, 2012

Russell Brand: From Addiction to Recovery - BBC Three

 Thursday 16th August, 9pm

Russell Brand has been in the news most recently due to his high-profile divorce from global superstar, Katy Perry, and his scene-stealing role alongside another mega-star, Alec Baldwin, in Rock of Ages, which makes it even more difficult to believe that just ten years ago he was addicted to heroin and had been given six months to live. 

In this film, Brand is eye-wateringly honest about his murky, drug-addled past and also challenges the way we treat addiction, which he sees as a disease like any other and not something to be criminalised. 

Spurred by the untimely passing of Amy Winehouse, Russell draws insights from scientists researching the psychology of addiction, those involved with alternative therapies, and addicts themselves, one of whom he tries to help take the first steps towards recovery by sharing his own struggles, all with his trademark frank verbosity.   

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