Monday, August 20, 2012

DVD - Headhunters (15)

The success of the Millenium trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc) and the very public tragedy that plagued the life of author, Steig Larsson, has shone the light on our Nordic cousins’ niche talent as crime writers, giving birth to the ‘Scandi-crime’ genre. 

Edgar [Allen Poe] Award nominated Norwegian writer, Jo Nesbo, has usurped Larsson as the new front-runner of Scandi-crime, with his globally bestelling novel, Headhunters, being adapted into a film. 

This darkly twisted drama centres on impossibly successful corporate head hunter, Roger Brown, whose prolific side-line in fine art thievery turns into a survival exercise when it turns out that one of his victims is a head hunter of a more animalistic kind.
Continuous plot turns and characters with uncertain intentions and ever-changing loyalties make Headhunters a disturbing, gripping action-thriller.

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