Wednesday, March 27, 2013

TV - How to be a LAdy: An Elegant History

Thursday 28th March, 9pm

BBC Four

In the absence of our good capital’s mayor, Boris Johnson, from regular television programming, his sister, Rachel, has taken to Channel 4 with a one-off special looking at what it means to be a ‘lady’.

Only Channel 4 would allow one of the poshest women in the country (Rachel is the editor of The Lady magazine, daughter of a Tory MP and attended no less than four private schools in her time before ending up at Oxford) in a programme that proposes she is anything BUT a lady, but still, it’s the rest of us that need lessons so don’t be deterred.

Rachel attends etiquette classes, a side-saddle riding revival group and meets with one of the last debutants in a bid to show us how we can steer away from our beloved ladette culture.

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